"The only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Why wasn't I told?

Not in one million lost socks in the dryer did I ever think I'd be writing a post like this.  And I lose...hmmm...probably 1 in 6 socks.

Truth be told, if you even hinted that I read something like the words that are about to follow, I would have thrown the gravy and the boat and told ya to sop it up with some biscuits.

I get it.  My thoughts went like this, "If this stuff were so bad, it wouldn't be sold in every grocery store." Or, "The doctors would tell me to avoid it if it really were that harmful."

How deceived we are.

Some of you will read this and shake your pretty little heads and wonder where my marbles went.  Others will glance over it and move on.  But my hope, is that at least one of you, makes a change.

I'm telling you, it'll rock your world.

Side note: Don't get overwhelmed.  Make one little change a week.  Don't go all cold turkey on me.  I only did because I was fighting to live.  And you're going to go through detox.  Which sort of feels like dying.  But you aren't and you won't. Husband R couldn't get off the couch for 2 days and he lived.

I'm going to divide this into sections so those of you who only like to read the parts that pertain to you, ahem, can skip ahead.  But really all of it pertains to everyone.

1. pH of your body
2. Cancer - The don't get it plan
3. Grains
4. Tips and Tricks
5. The changes I've made and the ones I'm still battling

Can I get a ph?

Your body has a pH.  Remember, like in science class, acids and bases?  I vaguely recall parts of that. But your blood is either acidic or alkaline (basic).  And the food you eat has a pH value. It either makes you more acidic or more alkaline.  Here's a handy chart. http://www.phmiracleliving.com/t-food-chart.aspx 

I can count only one thing on the alkaline side of that chart that I was eating regularly.  Just one.  The rest was acidic.  And when your body is acidic, disease will flourish.

Look, it's not that I didn't care.  I just didn't know.  And now I do. And you do too.

The cool thing about it?  Disease can't live in an alkaline environment. 

The goal is to live 80/20, with 80% of your foods being alkaline and 20% being acidic.  So you can have your cup of coffee and your slice of pie, just know that the rest of your day needs to consist of alkaline foods.

For example, Husband R and I eat a meat (acidic) for every dinner except on meatless Mondays.  We counteract that though by drinking 4 oz of juiced kale a day and we try to eat a salad and raw veggies for lunch.  It takes 20 bowls of oatmeal to equal the nutritional value of one bowl of kale.

Kale is bringing sexy back. 

Can-sir? No thanks (you can find most of this in the Cancer Killers book)

How about these fun facts. 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will get cancer. Super.

5% of cancer is genetic.  100% of cancer is influenced by your lifestyle.

But that's good news.  You control your lifestyle, you can control cancer.

To avoid it all together, you need to revolutionize your diet.
  • Clean up your carbs – consume almond flour, high fiber vegetables and fruits
  • Fix your fats – consume raw nuts and seeds, coconut oil and olive oil. Avoid commercial dairy products all together.  One glass of inorganic store bought milk contains residue of 100 different anti-biotics.
  • Perfect your proteins – Animal products are the most important food to buy organic.  An average man should consume 20g per meal and a women 15g per meal
  • Trash the toxins – The culprits: processed meats, acrylamides which come from grilling or frying foods, artificial sweeteners, pesticides in animal feed, non-organic animal products, soy
Cancer defenders, hi-ya!  Try to eat one of these with each meal
Green tea
Cabbage and cauliflower
Raw cacao powder
Dark, leafy greens
Organic animal products (grass-fed beef, pasture raised poultry and eggs)
Curcumin (found in curry powder and turmeric)
Citrus fruits

Healthy Cells             vs.                         Cancer Cells (double every 90 days)
Use oxygen for fuel (exercise)                          Uses sugar for fuel
Lives in an alkaline environment                       Lives in acidic environment
Need proper nerve supply (chiropractic care)    Don’t need nerve supply

Grainy grainy grains. Beyond gluten free

We all should know by now that white bread literally isn't a food.  But did you know that even "whole wheat" breads are no bueno?  Grains turn to sugar as soon as they hit your saliva.  And what did we just learn about cancer?  Bingo, it's fueled by sugar.

We all have cancer cells in our body.  You can either feed them in an acidic environment and watch them grow. Or starve them in an alkaline one and laugh as they die.

And if you're like me and aren't quite sure what is an actual grain.  Visit this website, it helps us slow folks keep up. http://www.grainfreeliving.com/list-of-grain-and-grain-free-foods/

We eat Ezekiel bread.  It has no sugar and is organic and is made from sprouted grains. Which are worlds better. It actually tastes pretty good too!

If you're reading this first you're a slacker and I say that with lots of love

Read labels. You're that person at the store that stands staring at the shelves. Be the ball.  If you can't pronounce it or lose interest 700 ingredients down the list, put it back and step away.

Throw out corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup. Even in your vitamins, the gummy ones. You know who you are.  It's poisoning us, people

Milk avoid it or buy whole organic if you'll die without it

Soda, diet or not. Pour it out.

Drink water. Take your body weight and divide it in half, that's the number of ounces you need to drink daily.

Don't watch the scale.  Just by making these changes your body will settle at it's natural weight and stay there.  You won't need to count calories anymore.  Husband R and I have both lost and kept off 15lbs, without adding any sort of exercise. Don't judge, we're hibernating.

Just do the next right thing.  Don't worry about dinner if you just woke up.  Just eat what's right for breakfast.  Shoot, if you can't even process what to eat for breakfast yet, at least just drink 8oz of water.  Hey, that would actually be the next right thing now too! 


I used to drink a cup of coffee every morning, a diet soda for lunch and a beer with dinner.  I now drink coffee maybe 3 times a week (I'm an addict) and don't even look at soda or beer.  I have a glass of wine reserved for special occasions like bachelorette parties in Miami. Holla.

I visit my chiropractor twice a week.  His name is Dr. R.  Which confuses and disturbs preschooling A.  She now has two R's in her life and one is a Dr. and she just can't seem to understand how that is possible.

I buy a poop ton of almond flour.  Because I can't live without chocolate chip cookies.  Amazon is my friend.

We buy nothing processed.  Well, let me take that back.  We still buy certain processed things for preschooling A's lunches but we make sure they are organic and we read every single ingredient on the label. Back to Nature is a good brand for kid friendly snacks.

We juice something every day. Kale. Kale. Kale.

Breakfast is my nemesis.  I'm not crazy about eggs, plus they're acidic and  I have yet to find a grain free cereal I like.  I usually end up eating some "healthy" bar or fruit. I gag on smoothies. I'm still fighting the breakfast battle. Any ideas?

Let me just say, since the good news I've cheated quite a bit.  The coffee flows a little more often along with the wine.  We ate real pizza this week and Husband R told me it didn't even taste like real food.  I disagreed and ate another piece.  It's the holidays, there are cookie exchanges and potlucks and family gatherings.  I'm just doing the best I can.  Each day I wake up with motivation to do the next right thing.  I never said it would be easy, but if this coffee drinking, cheese eating, french fry loving girl can do it, there's hope for you!

I'd love to hear from you and if you think you'll make any changes, or if you already have, how they're going!  So please comment below.  Things like this are much more fun if we do them together!

Stay tuned to learn how your hidden food intolerance could be making you fat, or giving you headaches or causing asthma and a boatload of other symptoms!
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"This stretch of our sacred journey could be likened to driving through the fog: we may see no landmarks and get little assurance we're even headed the right direction, but the only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas
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