"The only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas

Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's all in the Handler

As we all know, the Olympics started this week.  And I must admit something to you.  I'm not that into them.  I can hear you gasping.  Shush it.  I'm trying to type.  Look, I get it.  Athletes train for their entire lives to win a circle of gold tied to a ribbon.  I'm sure it's exhilarating, really I'm not trying to be sarcastic.  But, I just don't get anything from watching them. So I turned...
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"This stretch of our sacred journey could be likened to driving through the fog: we may see no landmarks and get little assurance we're even headed the right direction, but the only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas
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