"The only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas

Monday, January 4, 2016

What you focus on you will find

Happiest of New Year to ya.  Anyone else still in a little bit of shock it's already January?

Maybe it's because my 5 year old is STILL out of school and there's YouTube videos blasting weird voices through my house so loud my nose might bleed. Who's kid is that anyways?  Why don't I have a YouTube channel where I play with toys all day and get paid, I'm not quite sure. By the obsessive amount of time she spends watching them, I'm beginning to think I should.  Wednesday.  She goes back to school Wednesday.  I apologize to her teacher for allowing her to forget everything she's learned since August.  Whoops.

I've been taking a 60 day online course called Healthy Mind and Body, provided by my nutrition company.  I'll admit, I resisted signing up for it.  It has a small cost and I'm not one to buy into psycho babble.  Which is a bit hilarious considering I have a degree in psychology.  I also am not completely sold on the idea that what you put out is what the universe gives back.  I believe in God who is in complete control of the universe and has my days planned and numbered.  I trust him.  But in my industry of health and fitness, there is value in learning about my own inclinations so that I in turn can help others overcome.   And I am impressed that the organization is invested in me beyond the literal products I buy.

Plus, Husband R is a little bit concerned about the condition of my mind when he has to find my cell phone for me 345 times a day and then finds my car keys upstairs in the bathroom.  He also bought me a coloring book for Christmas. Claiming it will exercise my brain.  Hint received Husband.  If you can't find me, I'll be locked in my closet with my phone, keys and colored pencils. Totally normal.

So here I am on day 21 of pursuing a healthy mind and body.  And fifty-ish percent of it I can't even.  But the other half, I'm kind of into.    This is what I'm chewing on this morning

"What you focus on you find, what you focus on grows, what you focus on seems real and what you focus on ultimately you become."

Hmmm...this morning I woke up focused on the utter disaster that is my pantry, the old old old food that's hanging out in my fridge and the aforementioned 5 year old and her ability to push all my buttons.  The bad ones.

Will I become my pantry, my dirty fridge and my crazed 5 year old.  Gosh I hope not.  But focusing on those things keeps me in a negative state.

Instead, what if I focus on an organized pantry, a cleaned out fridge and a well behaved (is that possible?) child?  The idea is that focusing on the positive things will lead to them happening.  And wouldn't that be a miracle.

Those are literals, let's take a step up and see a bigger picture.  The example that is the most recent in my mind is Baby C's birth...(you can read that here) I wanted a natural birth so I spent months and months focusing on that, visualizing how I wanted it to go...praying for a good outcome and ultimately believing I could do it.  And I did. Focus led to action.  Even if that action was in the bathroom...not the delivery room.  Tomato. Tomahto.

Simply put, if I focus on eating healthy foods, that focus will grow, it will seem real and possible and I ultimately will begin to eat healthier foods.  If I focus on being fit,  my focus grows and I began to believe I can be fit so I work out more and that's what I become.

It sounds a bit cheesy at first, I know. But essentially what it's saying is that what you focus on leads to action.  It's working a bit backwards.  Instead of simply doing things, without much though...which is how I operate most days... Take some time to get your focus right.  Your actions will follow.

Here's what I'm focusing on today, the more specific the better

  • Being kind and loving to my children, yes...this isn't natural always and I have to purposely think on it
  • Eating healthy - one bar, one shake, 3 meals - a gallon of water!
  • Having a positive attitude, being grateful, thanking God 
  • Taking one step each day to help someone else reach their health and fitness goals (writing this blog is the action I'm already taking from that focus, woo!)

What do you think about this idea?  What are you focusing on today and can you see how that translates into your actions?  How could your focus and essentially your life be different? Comment and let me know...it's so interesting and I'd be honored to hear your thoughts!


erica said...

Totally agree! Intentionally focused will get results!! I think that's the basis for New Year's resolutions, goals, etc. The hard part is staying focused, motivated, and on course! But cleaning the pantry, one smallish task, goes a long way to that goal! So tackling one thing at a time, will help me/us in the long run! Good post as always!! <3 <3 <3

Sameth said...

Awesome read! - Samantha

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"This stretch of our sacred journey could be likened to driving through the fog: we may see no landmarks and get little assurance we're even headed the right direction, but the only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas
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