"The only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Nomads no more

Hello there lovees! I can finally breathe again.  For a little while I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest and my brain at the same time.

An Elephant Sitting on Top of a Man - Royalty Free Clipart Picture 

I considered it a success if I opened my eyes in the morning and remembered where I was. 

Remember the house I posted a picture of in my last ramblings? ( We didn't buy it. Not one teeny tiny inch of it.  Not even the poop colored counter tops.  It didn't appraise.  Not just the counter tops, but the whole house.  Came in 30k less than our offer. 

Alas, we were homeless. AGAIN.

We gave up looking for a house to buy and decided to build our own.  We bought some land, we contracted a builder.  We were told August was to be the completion date.  So now what?  If I can still count correctly that's 5 months we gotta find a roof over our heads.

After calling every rental listing from craigslist to your momma's house, we finally found a townhouse willing to rent to us short term doberman owning tenants.  We were to move in the first week of April.  And with that we packed our bags and headed to NC for Easter.  That was March 25th.

On March 26th, the very next day, my realtor calls.  "So hey, you know the house you walked through, in the neighborhood you're building in, the one you saw as an example of what you're building?  Yea well the guy who was under contract on that house, his financing fell through, today. You wanna buy it?  You can close April 25th."

Ummm...hold on...let me call my husband...I don't even remember what that house looked like...we can buy it for the same amount we were going to build for? Are you speaking English?

Yea so long story short we did just that.  We bought the house Charles (I got some of his mail, so we're on a first name basis now) built but could not buy.  I'm considering putting a "This is the house that Charles built" sign above our front door.  Classy?  I think so.

After our Easter week in NC Husband R and doberman Bo Bo headed back to the lake house to wait out the time before closing and Toddling A and I adventured across the east coast, from NC to VA to WV to MD and all the way back to GA again.  We were gone for just shy of 30 days.  Hence the trouble remembering where I was when I woke up.  You try sleeping in the same bed with a toddler for a month.  You'd be lost too.

So all that I wrote about being thankful and seeing God's hand in this process?  It's still true.  If not even more true than before.  It kind of feels like we kept grabbing these homes and God kept slapping our hands away.  We finally got  our fingers around one, we were holding on tight, and God took it away for the 4th time.  I was frustrated, sure.  Confused? Absolutely.

But there was and is beauty from ashes.  This beauty to be exact.  We just had to find it, or should I say it had to find us.

So we're in.  No longer homeless. 

Unpacking.... now that's a whole 'nother story.


Sameth said...

Beautiful Home! Cant wait to come visit!

Allyson said...

As it turns out, this isn't the house we ended up buying. But I still want you to come visit Sam!

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"This stretch of our sacred journey could be likened to driving through the fog: we may see no landmarks and get little assurance we're even headed the right direction, but the only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas
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