"The only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas

Monday, January 6, 2014

A Year of Pictures

I recently heard of a mama who creates a book for her family, every year.  A book that captures what they did and where they went and all the happenings in between.  A family year book of sorts.  I love that.  So I'm borrowing that idea and am working on my own...errr...thinking about working on my own.  And....it will sit on my coffee table and most of you will never see it.   But, I thought, what if I get my photo's organized for you to see. Then, just maybe, I'll actually get them into a book and printed on actual paper with real letters.

And this past year has been a pivotal year for our little family to say the least.  We have felt and seen and tasted God's love and powerful presence.  Our battles have become our blessings.

"If you're going to get knocked down, make sure it knocks you forward."

We said goodbye to our home of 5 years, our very first home.  
And it snowed the weekend before we moved.

Our first residence in GA was a lake house, we were there for two very cold months

 Preschooling A and I did a lot of traveling, here's our time spent with Nana

We also flew to see Auntie!

  We bought a new house, and settled in.

 Uncle Seth got hitched and Preschooling A got to be a flower girl!


We celebrated our 6 year anniversary by returning to the location of our first date.

Preschooling A turned 3 and Auntie threw a fantastic party! 

We had an awesome, sometimes rainy summer.  Filled with lots of friends and family!

Preschooling A actually started preschool!

I was diagnosed with melanoma and had surgery.

I walked a 5K twelve days later.

We had our first grain free Thanksgiving meal, and for the first time, didn't travel.

A lab test revealed I never had cancer!  Husband R and I continued our new lifestyle and lost 20 lbs each!

Christmas was full of love, laughter, fun and many, many blessings! 

And as the snow flurries fly in the deep south, we are wishing you all a healthy, happy 2014!


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"This stretch of our sacred journey could be likened to driving through the fog: we may see no landmarks and get little assurance we're even headed the right direction, but the only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas
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