"The only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas

Friday, January 8, 2016

My New Year Resolution is to Stop Brushing My Teeth

Seriously.  It is sooo time consuming.  I feel like I'm standing in front of the sink, in the bathroom all the time.  You want me to do it 3 times a day?  No.  Just no.  And don't even get me started on how much toothpaste I have to buy.  I'll just make my own.  Ergh..that takes a lot of time too.  That's it. I'm done.  Hey, at least I tried.

Said no one ever.

Yet, that's what I hear. Over and over.  Heck, I've even said those things myself.

Not about brushing my teeth.  But about eating healthy. Yea, I get it.

I remember back in the good ol days when my food came out of a box (mmm hamburger helper) and was ready in 15 minutes.  There was no chopping or sauteing or baking.  Wham bam, nom nom nom.

And then there was cancer. One minute I was spooning delicious bacon and cheeseburger mac into my face and the next I was crying into my salad.

And I remember all too well. This eating healthy thing.  I feel like I'm in the kitchen ALLLL the time. My feet actually hurt.  If I have to chop one more vegetable... and don't even get me started on meal prep.   I have to eat 6 times a day? No. Just no.  Holy baloney my grocery bill is how much?  I know, I'll just make my own everything, my own applesauce, my own yogurt, my own almond milk...and now I'm in the kitchen more.  That's it. I'm done. Hey, at least I tried.

When I say all of that about brushing my teeth I sound Cah-razy...but yet...those excuses seem reasonable when it comes to nutrition. Why?

This year I am on a mission to live well.  Totally. Mind, body and soul.  That means eating healthy and going to the gym, spending time with God and daily learning something new all have to become as second nature as brushing my teeth.  

And it really is that simple.

I would never not brush my teeth or take a shower or wash my face because its necessary for healthy living.  Why would I skip doing the same for the inside of me?

You have to fall in love with taking care of yourself.

And the 2 almonds, licking an apple, yelling at a picture of yourself?  While hilarious...not necessary.

Right as I was getting adjusted to the million hours in the kitchen prepping for days just to get through the week routine...like an angel out of heaven...my doctor brought forth freedom.

Not joking.

I used to spend 3-ish hours prepping our food for the week.  Now, I spend maybe 1.  I used to be so concerned about getting in enough greens, healthy fats, right amounts of sugar.  Now, I don't even have to think about it.  After dinner I'd crave something sweet. Chocolate please.  And then I'd feel guilty about it the entire next day.  Now, cravings schmavings.  I can have a cheat day a week and enjoy myself.  I used to spend $200 a week at the grocery store. Now it's about $150. Traveling was a nightmare!  Excuse me, Old MacDonald (as Kindergarten A calls it) can I have kale on my cheeseburger please? Complicated Order!  Now I literally grab a box, stick it in the car and eat while we drive.  Husband R likes not having to stop 11 times.

Freedom. Thanks doc.

And the ironic thing...I feel better, look better and am nicer to my kids than I have ever been. Okay that last part has nothing to do with nutrition.  But everything to do with living well.  See what I did there?

If taking care of your mind body and soul is just too hard, join me in the stop all teeth brushing resolution making.

Because that's the only way your other excuses will make any sense.


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"This stretch of our sacred journey could be likened to driving through the fog: we may see no landmarks and get little assurance we're even headed the right direction, but the only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas
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