"The only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas

Friday, May 29, 2015

How You Do One Thing

We all go through seasons.  I want to tell you about my seasons.  There's the season of giving up coffee, then drinking it again and making up for every cup I gave up.   There's this lovely season I'm in now of raising an almost 5 year old while growing another human.  Exhausting and exhilarating all at once.  And that season will change again once baby girl is born.  Then I'm in the season of being mama to TWO kids.  Mother's of more than one, you are saints.  There's also the season of keeping the house clean and staying ahead of the laundry and...wait, that's never a season. 

But then there is the season of writing.  Do you know that last year I wrote to you lovely people every month for a year?   And then, the wind blew, Husband R sneezed in my direction and this mama became pregnant with daughter numero dos.  And writing...it got buried in all the sickness and exhaustion and trying to stay afloat just enough to enjoy the holidays.  But I'm back.  Really.  And when the baby is born and I stop writing..call me out on it, for real.

All that, it's natural, things we go in and out of as life changes.  But there's one thing, just one, that's not okay to start, then stop, then start again.  And I'm ever so guilty of it.  It's my quiet time and prayer time.   Life gets busy and just like my writing, I lose my motivation and forget it's importance.

So lately, I'm not willing to do much of anything. And I have lots to do.  The nursery isn't finished, not by far.  I am working part time at church while simultaneously building my own business.  I have a rising kindergartner...sniff...and husband to care for.  I'm focusing on being as healthy as I can through this pregnancy and practicing the wonder of natural childbirth.  Yes, you can practice, don't ask.  And it's easy for me to say "oh, I'm just hormonal." Or, "I deserve to lay in bed all day, I'm pregnant!"  While those statements may carry some weight, they aren't the whole truth.  The further away I get from dedicated, intentional time spent with God, the less effective every other area of my life becomes.  I've been hearing this quote a lot lately

"How you do one thing is how you do everything."

And it seems so simple because it is.  That one thing, studying his word, spending time in conversation with him, putting him first, how I do that translates to how I do everything else.

 Let that sink in. If something seems off, take a step back.  How are you doing with that one thing?  It could be the reason everything else seems off too.

This silly notion of time spent with God being a season, I'm trashing it.  It's not one of my seasons anymore. I'm committing the first thing I do in the morning to him.  Whether that's walking or sitting with my cup of coffee or putting in my headphones and tuning out the noise.

And writing, well I'm back at that too.  And I've got so much to share with you, knowledge to drop, but you'll have to stay tuned for another post.  That I promise I'll write...I think.


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"This stretch of our sacred journey could be likened to driving through the fog: we may see no landmarks and get little assurance we're even headed the right direction, but the only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas
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