"The only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas

Friday, July 10, 2015

How to say no to the summer slump

Is it the late..oh so late stage of pregnancy talking or am I the only one that feels like telling my kid to go play quietly in her room while I lay in bed until noon sipping multiple cups of coffee, snacks within in my reach, the A/C kicked up to high gear and the very dark black out curtains drawn tightly closed? 

It's summer.  I'm lucky I don't have an alarm clock to wake up to.  Unless you consider kindergarten A's warm breath and ever so gentle tap on the forehead at 6am an alarm clock.  At least she doesn't make annoying buzzer noises...yet. 

When the kid is out of school, I'm out of routine. And it's like I'm expected to be a super hero.  I mean who else could entertain a 5 year old all day every day for 3 months?  And the questions.  I have no idea why you can't take mommy's fingernails and put them on your hands (real question I got asked yesterday), other than that's weird and I don't want to think about it.

And I am NOT a pinterest-y  mom.  I tried once.  When A was still toddling A.  I was on my game.  There were noodles and sponges and glue and string and alphabet letters.  We made masterpieces for the ages...really just to mail to nana.  But that faded quickly when she started school and I saw what a real educational craft is supposed to look like.   I guess our lopsided popsicle stick half lady half goat thingy just isn't good enough.

So what are we to do, how are we supposed to cope?  Consider yourself lucky if you have a job.  Don't be jealous that I get to be at the pool at 11am.  You think I'm drinking margaritas and reading my favorite magazine?  Try digging to the bottom of the crumb filled, sunscreened slimy pool bag for that THIRD pair of goggles that are amazingly too tight and too loose all at the same time and then results in an epic throw down of wills and ultimately ends with the goggles being launched into the pool which you will inevitably have to retrieve, even though you didn't want to get your hair wet, because your 5 year old can't dive yet.  Give me your conference call and you can have lifeguard duty any day.

Even with all that, summer is still one of my favorite times of the year.  I like not having to wear 300 layers just to walk outside.  Or stress about whether or not my kid has shoes on when we leave the house (this happens often).

So if you're feeling the slump, the lack of motivation, the leave mommy alone I'm in the closet eating all of your fruit snacks, then let me give you some real tips to fight that. 

  • Create a routine.  If the outside world isn't going to be kind enough to give us one over the summer, then we must create our own.  When I don't have a plan for the day I find myself saying "put down those scissors!" a lot more than one should have to say to herself or her child in a 24 hr period.  I am involved with several play groups and each week I can look at the activities happening around the area and plan something for us to do each day.  It gets us out of the house, gives us somewhere to be at a certain time and helps kindergartner A and I see other faces than just our own. Lifesaver.

  • Meal plan.  I just heard your collective groan.  I know.  Planning meals involves dedicated time to researching recipes and writing down ingredients and then of all things actually having to make said meal.  Believe me, I know its horrible.  But it's better than the alternative.  5pm rolls around and you throw a hamburger bun and some peanut butter at your kid and hope they don't choke while you devour what's left of the plain spaghetti noodles you worked up the power to boil yesterday.  Meal planning will allow you to try fun new healthy summery recipes and YES if you're brave, you get bonus points for asking your kid to help.   I use a lovely little website called Plan To Eat (no they aren't paying me to say this)  It lets you share recipes with friends or pull recipes anywhere from the web, put them on the calendar when you want it and then takes all the ingredients from the recipe and organizes it into a shopping list.  It costs a couple dollars a month but I'm willing to pay that to make meal planning less of a chore.  Check it out http://www.plantoeat.com 

  •  15 Minute Cleanup. I ingeniously invented this little nugget just recently.  Truth be told, I could leave for the hospital to have this baby any minute, ANY MINUTE! Maybe if I yell, she'll hear me and actually come out.  The thought of coming home to clutter and mess and dirt after a blissful stay in the gloriousness of a hospital room makes me a little insane.  Every night after dinner, the one that I carefully planned, all three of us participate in a 15 minute clean up.  Yes, I actually set a timer.  Kindergartner A is always in charge of her playroom and bedroom. Husband R and I triage the damage and tackle the worst of the mess.  Usually it's vacuuming and mopping...we have two dogs...and cleaning up the kitchen.  You'll be surprised what you can get done in 15 minutes when everyone chips in.  And the next day you get to wake up to a semi-clean home.

  •  Drink enough water. This may seem small in comparison to these other tips but will probably have the biggest effect on the way you feel, physically and emotionally.  It's hot.  You need water now more than any time.  Make sure you're drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day.  For a 150 lb person, that's 75 oz.  If you're growing a human, that amount increases with each lb gained.  No, I will not tell you how many ounces I'm having to drink these days.  Trust me, it will go a long way in fighting that slumpy feeling. 
And there you have it, four little ways to keep yourself from losing control and your mind this summer.  I might add, don't forget to have fun.  Summer time is short and our kids are only kids for so long.  Fight the urge to catch up on your shows and your ice cream and actually sit down and color with your child.  For like 10 minutes.  Only super heroes could handle anything longer.

How are you saying no to the summer slump?  I'd love to hear your ideas!!


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"This stretch of our sacred journey could be likened to driving through the fog: we may see no landmarks and get little assurance we're even headed the right direction, but the only way out of the fuzziness is to drive right through the uncertainty." - Gary Thomas
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